Get ready to go into battle in Yenemy, a fun strategic .io game where you have to survive for as long as possible. Gather materials to make weapons to prepare yourself for an attack! Play with other people or battle monsters and other enemies.
On desktop or laptop, press W or Up arrow to move towards mouse pointer, press Space to jump/sprint, click to gather or attack. Press A or D to strafe, S to backwalk away from mouse pointer. Press ~ for continuous movement.
Use a stick or pickaxe to mine stone, ore, and coal. Aim to gather enough materials to craft weapons and armor for your clanmates.
You’ll be assigned to a clan at the start. Work with your clanmates to gather resources and strategize for battles.
Engage in battles with enemies and monsters. Coordinate with your clan to attack and defend effectively. Use your skills and crafted weapons to your advantage.
Keep an eye on your health and stamina. Gather food regularly to ensure you can avoid hunger. Earn XP by gathering, mining, and defeating enemies. Level up to gain skill points and improve your abilities (Strength, Agility, Stamina, Vitality).
After battles, your level converts to Battle Stars, which are used to rank up. Focus on teamwork for better results.
Take part in Daily, Weekly, and Monthly tournaments to earn coins which are used to buy upgrades. Keep an eye on your achievements to see your progress and get bonus coins.
Yenemy is an io game developed by the Yenemy Team and released in March 2023. It was published on Gilect Play as of October 3rd, 2024. Play the game for free!