Explore famous landmarks around the world as you push your vocabulary to the limit. Learn new words across thousands of levels in this fun brain teaser. Words of Wonders is one of the funnest brain-teasers around, and it's good for your brain. It's a win-win!
Play Words of Wonders by swiping the letters in the circle to form words. As you form words, they will fill up in the crossword. You can use the crossword to your advantage by seeing what words are remaining and where certain letters go.
Words of Wonders is a fairly easy game to pick up and play casually. The goal is to complete the crossword and you will be given a few letters. Swipe the letters to form words and fill up the crossword!
Here's a tip to master the game: start by swiping the smaller and basic words, such as "the" or "cat." Then, as the crossword fills up, you will be given clues on the bigger words based on the positions of the letters.
Sometimes, you might end up finding words that weren't even a part of the crossword! These "bonus" words can be collected and then redeemed for gems or other cool rewards. How many extra words do you think you can find?
How many words do you really think you know? Despite their being over 400,000 English words in the dictionary, the average English speaker only knows and uses around 20,000 to 30,000 words. As you go on playing Words of Wonders, you might be surprised of how little (or how much) you actually know.
Not everyone knows every word in English. On some levels you'll easily be able to swipe the letters and form words you already know, but not on all of them. You might even have to end up guessing at the end! Words of Wonders is the best and funnest way to improve your English skills!
Stumped on a particularly challenging word? You can use hints and reveal letters to make it a bit easier. Buy hints using gems, and collect gems by spinning the wheel, beating levels, and finding extra words.
Discover the wonders of the world as you complete levels. Start in Egypt, adventure to France, and discover so many other awesome locations. Collect cards and be the ultimate master of Words of Wonders!
Good for the Brain/h3>Words of Wonders is a fun word game. Many people think that "fun" and "educational" don't belong in the same sentence. However, we don't think that's true! Words of Wonders can improve your vocabulary and spelling skills, and keep your brain active. Keeping your brain active improves your brain and prevents cognitive decline.
Because Words of Wonders is an educational game, it is available to play at school unblocked. Play Words of Wonders for free and unblocked on Gilect Play!
Words of Wonders can now be played without having to download it. Simply launch it in your browser on Gilect Play, and immediately start enjoying the game within the browser window. Isn't that such a wonder?